Category | Link | Description |
County Government | Northampton County Register of Deeds |
The county Register of Deeds office maintains birth, death, marriage, property transaction and assorted other county records. It is located in the county court square in an annex to the courthouse. Will and Probate records, along with county court records, are maintained by the Northampton County Court. |
Northampton County Memorial Library |
County Library with a complete collection of archived Northampton County records on microfilm. |
Northampton County Home Page |
A resource page for Northampton County with a focus on genealogy research links. |
State Government |
North Carolina State Archives |
Primary repository for archived original and microfilm colonial era, state and county records. |
NC Encyclopedia |
Extensive historical, statistical, cultural, geographic and general information resource for North Carolina, maintained by the State Library. |
Rootsweb Message Boards and Mailing Lists |
Northampton County RootsWeb Message Board |
A message board for posting information queries and replies on geaneology topics with relevance to Northampton County. |
Northampton County Mailing List Subscription |
An email link for subscribing to the RootsWeb Northampton County mailing list, an e-mail list for exchanging information of relevance to Northampton County Genealogy. |
Northampton County Mailing List Archive |
An archive of Northampton County RootsWeb mailing list messages. |
USGenWeb Archives Project |
USGenWeb North Carolina Archives County Index |
The North Carolina county index page for an extensive, multi-year archive of NC research materials submitted to the USGenWeb Archive Project. |
USGenWeb Northampton County, NC Index Page |
The Northampton County index page of the USGenWeb Archive Project. The Northampton County archive is extensive. |
Books and Authors |
Bradley Publishing |
Genealogical works for North Carolina and Virginia, published by Dr. Stephen E. Bradley, Jr. The link is to the Northampton County section of his publication list. A "Home" link allows visitors to view his complete publicatiuon list. |
Margaret M. Hofmann |
Information site for obtaining publications of noted area author Margaret M. Hofmann. The site is currently being revised but contains contact information. |
Rebecca Dozier |
E-mail contact for a noted author of Northampton County genealogy publications, including Twelve Northampton County, North Carolina Families 1750-1850 and The Descendants of NC Acting Governor John Jenkins (1672-2004): Twelve Generations. |
An Account of the Ancestors and Descendants of Saul Parker of Northampton County, North Carolina |
A new, extensively researched book by Kathy Jo Bryant, with over 1200 pages, hundreds of photos and numerous transcribed documents. Published by The Printing Press, Placerville, California, 2010. Select the link to contact the author for information on ordering, price and shipping. |
Research and Lookup Services |
Genealogy Look-Up Forum |
An RootsWeb page offering volunteer record searches in a variety of categories and subject to reasonable request limits. |
RootsWeb - Books We Own |
A RootsWeb page listing a wide variety of publications owned by individuals with contact information for requesting lookups. The link is to the North Carolina section, which includes a general section and numerous county specific sections. Currently no Northampton County specific entries are listed, but entries applicable to several adjacent counties are. |
Northampton County Surnames |
A link to the Surnames portal at this site. The page lists some Northampton County surnames/surname groups and contact information for researchers who are willing to respond to related queries. |
U. S. Civil War Sources |
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System |
A National Parks Service site linking a computerized database containing some 6.3 million Civil War soldier's and sailor's records containing very basic facts about servicemen who served on both sides. |
National Parks Service Civil War Website |
The official National Park Service Civil War Website, with a current emphasis on scheduled events commemorating the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War. |
Personal Web Pages |
The Faison's Old Tavern Genealogy Project |
A collaborative genealogy website operated by a small group of genealogy researchers with ancestral roots and research interests centered at the Faison's Old Tavern Community in Northampton County, NC. |
Flye, Fly, Flythe Families of Virginia and North Carolina |
A genealogy website operated by Bonnie Flythe and Michael Risch and devoted to research on the named early Virginia and North Carolina family group. |
Morgans of Northampton County |
A genealogy website operated by Clif Morgan and devoted to research on his ancestry beginning with early Northampton County patriarch William Morgan. |