Would Be Assassin (1889)

While Mr. T.J. MARRINER and Mr. S.B. SPRUILL were sitting in the latter’s office on Saturday night last, about 8 o’clock, some unknown person threw a brick through the window, which, luckily passed between the gentlemen, who were sitting near together.

Had the brick struck either of the gentlemen, it would, no doubt, have killed them, as it was hurled with great force.

Who the would-be assassin is no one knows. Neither of the men knew that they had an enemy that would try to take their lives in such a cowardly manner.

If it is possible, the guilty party should be brought to justice, for the coward who sneaks about the premises of good citizens and seeks to murder them, while hidden by the shadows of darkness, ought to spend the remainder of their days behind the bars, or else end them on the gallows.


Source: Roanoke Beacon,  27 September 1889.  Available online at digitalnc.org.

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