University Examination (1802)

University – The annual Examination, and Time of conferring Degrees at the University of North Carolina will commence on the 1st day of July next; on which Occasion the Duties of the Committee of Examination, devolve in Rotation, on the following Trustees, viz
For the District of Morgan, W. ALEXANDER,
     Salisbury, Adlai OSBORN
     Hillsborough, Henry POTTER
     Halifax, C.W. HARRIS
     Edenton, Thomas WYNNE
     Newbern, Durant HATCH
     Wilmington, John HILL
     Fayetteville, John HAY
The high importance of this Truth, the individual Responsibility it involves, and the indispensable Necessity of its being properly and faithfully performed, are so well understood, as to leave no Room to doubt of the punctual Attendance of the Members concerned. — Galvin ALVES, Secretary.  Raleigh, May 15th, 1802.

Source: Raleigh Register, and North-Carolina Weekly Advertiser, 25 May 1802, page 2. 


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