Two Weddings (1890)

On the 30th of January, at the residence of the writer, Mr. R.T. HILTON of Davidson, and Miss Nannie BOWERS of Guilford, were united in matrimony. The ceremony being concluded, the writer, in pursuance of a previous engagement, made a flying trip to the residence of Mr. George KINNEY where he found a number of guests assembled to witness the marriage of Mr. T.A. LIVENGOOD and Mrs. Sallie E. HIATT. After the wedding came a dinner, which was all that the inner man could desire. The next morning, a different case at another place required attention. At ten o’clock a quorum was present, and the plaintiff seemed to be very anxious to file his please. After consultation and consideration it was decided that the coming together was a dead failure, and the meeting adjourned sine die. — Isham REGANS.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 5 February 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.

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