To Miss Neva Johnston (1889)

By Mrs. Anna N. IRWIN

Thou beautiful enchantress! of such bewitching manners and a lovely brunette, whose silken hair of raven dye, and expressive eyes of jet; your dimpled, rosy cheeks and thy coral lips add quite a charm to your beauty.  May thy presence gild the gayest walks of life, and in after years, may you have the traces of your younger self.  When matchless in your personal grace, still linger the adornment of perfect mould.  May your life be fragrant with good deeds, and the savor of a consecrated existence, and when you die may the coming of myriads of spirits, who guard the gates of heaven, throw open the golden gem set portals for your entrance.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  20 September 1889.  Available online at

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