Terrible Explosion (1889)

On Monday, the 1st inst., one of the boilers of the Beaufort county Lumber Co.’s mills, about 35 miles from this place, and near Yatesville, exploded and, with great force dislocating the three large boilers, demolishing the boiler house and killing one colored man, Robt. BLOGMAN, out right and scalding six others, one of which, Mr. R.D. SASNETT, died the next day, and one other man is seriously damaged.

It seems that some days previous to this that the head cap of this boiler broke and was mended by placing an iron band around it, and that this band had become loose, that the water had gotten very low in the boiler, when a supply of cold water was turned on, which resulted in the explosion.  One of the boilers was thrown about one hundred and fifty  yards which struck a log in the log pound and split it in a number of pieces and dislocated the other boilers.

This was a sad occurrence, which is greatly regretted.  Mr. SASNETT was tried for his life last year for the murder of Mr. Samuel SATCHWELL and acquitted.  We learn that the loss of property will amount to between $3,000 and $5,000.

Mr. M.N. OVERTON, a former citizen of this town, is the book keeper for the firm at that place.  He says he heard nothing of the explosion only the shower of bricks on his office.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 12 July 1889.  Available online at digitalnc.org.

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