Ten Dollars Reward (1800)

Ten Dollars Reward – Ran Away from the Subscriber, on the Night of the 25th Instant

A Dark Mulatto Man Slave, known by the name of Harry. He may call himself Henry HUDSON, or change it otherwise, as he is an artful fellow, and will endeavor to pass for a free Man; can read, and procure a pass, as he has done before, his clothing is uncertain; went off in long cloaths, the undercoat of reddish brown, the over one of light-coloured coating. Aged thirty-seven years, a little grey about the temples; his hair, when grown, very bushy, between wool and hair; think visage, soft, smiling speech, and rather under middle size. Very handy in all kinds of plantation-business, as well as a coarse shoemaker and rough carpenter. Has lived in Maryland and Virginia, and may endeavor to get into Pennsylvania.

Whoever secures said Fellow, in Gaol, or otherwise, so that I may have him safely delivered, shall receive five dollars, if taken in this county; if out, the above reward, with all reasonable charges if brought home to me, living near Hillsborough. — Joseph SHAW

North Carolina, Orange County, May 26, 1800

Source: Raleigh Register and Weekly Advertiser, 3 June 1800, pg 3.


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