Five Pounds Reward (1791)

Ran away from the subscriber living in Iredell county, North Carolina, on the first day of July last, a negro fellow named Frank; he is of a yellow complexion, shews some marks of the small pox, is about 5 feet 8 inches high, has by running away before and getting frost bitten, lost two of the little toes on his left foot, and part of the third one; I expect he will change his cloaths and name, and pass for a freeman as he has done before, and endeavour to make his way to Fayetteville or Wilmington, and get on board some vessel, as he has often threatened so to do. Captains of vessels and others are cautioned on their peril not to harbour said fellow. Any person who will take up said fellow and bring him to me, or secure him so that I get him again,k shall receive the above reward, and all reasonable charges. – John Work –– October 18, 1790,
The above mentioned fellow was taken and confined in Robinson County gaol, from which he made his escape on or about the 10th instant. Should he be taken again, it is particularly requested he may be so ironed as to prevent him again getting away.

Source: North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette. 10 January 1791.