Beacon Flashes (August 22, 1890)

Excerpts from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mr. T.A. PERRY, of Norfolk, was in the city this week.
  • Dr. C.P. BOGART, of Edenton, was in the city this week.
  • The colored people of the Second Baptist church will build a new church.
  • Mrs. W.H. HAMPTON and son, Master Roy, are visiting relatives at Wolford, Md.
  • Mr. W.H. COOPER has been visiting his mother, at Sunny, Tyrrell county, this week.
  • Mr. M. NEWBERRY, of Maryland, was in the city during the past week, the guest of hiss sister, Mrs. S.A. BLOUNT.
  • We failed to note last week that Mr. W.B. WARD had accepted a position with Mr. W.H. HAMPTON, as salesman.
  • Mr. A.J. LEGGETT is now running the undertakers business at Marriner & Truett’s stand on Washington street.
  • A fight occurred on the street Monday night between J.D. HEFFRON and E.G. FOLEY.  They were promptly arraigned before the Mayor, who found them guilty, and fined them $2.50 each, and costs.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 22 August 1890. Available online at

W.B. Ward Visits (1890)

Excerpt from the Long Ridge Letter column (dated July 14, 1890):

Our old friends, the genial Mr. W.B. WARD, of Snowden, is visiting his old home much to the joy of all, but especially the young people with whom he is very popular, and we hope his visit will be a long one among those who are always ready to give him a welcome.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 18 July 1890, pg 2. Available online at

W.B. Ward Visits (1890)

Extracted from the Long Ridge Letter column:

Our old friend Mr. W.B. WARD, formerly of this place but now of Snowden, is visiting his old home, much to the joy of his many friends here who are ever ready to give him the warmest welcome.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 14 March 1890, pg 3. Available online at