Mrs. J.E. Vincent Returns Home (1890)

Excerpt from the Beacon Flashes column:

Mrs. J.E. VINCENT after a pleasant visit to Whaleyville, returned on Wednesday. She was accompanied by Miss Daisy PARKER of Gates county, who will enter the Plymouth High School next session.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 5 September 1890. Available online at

City News (July 12, 1889)

Items excerpted from the City News column

  • Mr. N.T. HOUSTON, of Suffolk, Va., was on a visit to his brother, Mr. Geo. HOUSTON, this week.
  • Mr. B.L.C. BRYAN and wife of Hamilton, are the guest of their nephew, Mr. J.W. BRYAN, on Third street.
  • Mr. S.K. EVERETT, formerly of Choinjock, has opened a store at the B.F. OWENS stand on Water street. Welcome.
  • Miss Lelia MATHIAS, who has been visiting here sister, Mrs. J.E. VINCENT, returned to her home in Gates county on Tuesday.
  • Miss Scharlotte WOOD, of Edenton, spent the week with her sister, Mrs. L.I. FAGAN, near town.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 12 July 1889.  Available online at

Mr. Wiley Wiggins Visits (1889)

Mr. Wiley WIGGINS of Gates county, accompanied by Miss Daisy PARKER, his granddaughter, and Miss Lelia MATHIAS are guests of Mrs. J.E. VINCENT. Mr. WIGGINS is the father of Mrs. VINCENT.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 28 June 1889.  Available online at