Description of Creswell Follow-up (1889)

Excerpt from the “Our Creswell Letter” column:

We notice an article in your last issue copied from the Washington Gazette, in which the writer in his description of Creswell, seems to give Mr. Alfred ALEXANDER of our town credit for being the prime mover in the building of our Academy.  Now, while Mr. ALEXANDER has done his part in the matter, many others have done equally as well, and if any one man deserves special mention in connection with the organization and building of said academy, it is our worthy President of the Board of Trustees, Mr. D. SPRUILL, ex-Sheriff.

But for his efforts and untiring zeal, we would have had no Academy built yet.  He is on hand promptly at each weekly meeting of the stock holders, and takes an active part in all measures pertaining to the school.  We cannot say as much for Mr. ALEXANDER.  He came promptly until he took unto himself a “better half.”  Since then he has been present at the meetings only once or twice, but we presume he is excusable as he has lived the life of a batchelor for 48 years, until very recently, and of course can’t leave his bride long enough to attend to Academies. We fear that our President would also be found lacking at some of our meetings were he to follow Mr. ALEXANDER’s example – in taking a “better half.”

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 26 July 1889.  Available online at