Dance at Chesson’s Hall (1890)


Source: Roanoke Beacon, 31 January 1890.  Available online at

Oyster Supper (1890)


Source: Roanoke Beacon, 10 January 1890.  Available online at

Beacon Flashes (September 27, 1889)

The following items are extracted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mr. L.I. FAGAN has been appointed Deputy Sheriff, vice J.H. TRUETT, resigned.
  • Mr. Walter BREWER, formerly of this place, but now of Harrellsville, was in the city this week.
  • Miss Velma PRINCE left per steamer Plymouth on Monday for a visit to her old home at South Mills.
  • Glad to see Mr. C.W. KEITH back to his post of duty again after an absence of two weeks, owing to illness.
  • In the absences of Purser KIETH from the Str. Plymouth, Mr. J.H.SMITH, of this town, has filled the office.
  • Mrs. Sarah THOMPSON left this week for a protracted visit to relatives and friends in Oneonta, N.Y.  We wish her a safe and pleasant trip.
  • Mr. J.S. LEGGETT, formerly of this town but now of Edenton, where he holds a position as salesman with O. NEWMANN, spent a few days with his parents this week.
  • Miss Margie GARRETT opened the Primary School at the Free School Building, on Monday last.  She reports a very good attendance for the first week.  Miss Margie is a lady of high culture and possesses a degree of educational ability equaled by few of her sex.  We wish for her unbounded success.
  • Thanks to our old friend and former countyman, Mr. W. Cotten DOWNING, who now resides at Turtle Creek, Pa., for papers sent us this week.  Mr. DOWNING has written a story, entitled, “Love at Nag’s Head.” which will appear in our next issue.  Mr. DOWNING still retains his reputation as a writer, and we feel confident that his many friends here, will heartily welcome an article from his pen.  In compliment to him we will say that Washington county has never produced a more gifted writer, and we doubt if the State has ever produced his superior.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  27 September 1889.  Available online at