Standard Keeper In Trouble (1884)

At the February meeting of the Board of County Commissioners W.A. POTTS, Jr., was appointed Standard Keeper for this county for a term of two years.  Hardly three weeks have passed away, and in the meantime, he has disgraced himself and brought criticism upon the Board who so kindly appointed him.

Complaints began only last week and continued thick and fast for several days.  An interview with several merchants revealed the fact that he was accustomed to charging more than his regular fees, varying in the amount with the capacity of the merchant for being imposed upon.

We hear also of disgraceful conduct in several instances.  We believe that no condemnation of an officer is too strong who thus prostitutes the functions of his office into a fraudulent imposition of the public.  It is said that the Board of Commissioners will remove him at its next meeting at least such is the sentiment of the public.

Source:  Washington Gazette (Washington, NC). 28 February 1884.