POTTW, J.W. (d. 1878)

Sad Intelligence — We received the painful intelligence from one of our young friends, of the death of Capt. J.W. POTTS of Bluefield.  As many readers know Capt. P. was connected with the Petersburg Railroad for many years at that very important station and discharged his duties well and faithfully, but some time ago he was stricken with paralysis which kept him confined to his room for a long time, afterwards he got better and was able to go about a little, but a few days ago he became worse and his recovery was extremely doubtful, and on Tuesday last at 3:15, his spirit took flight to a brighter and taller land than this.  He leaves a wife and some children to mourn his loss, while the entire community will be deprived of a faithful adviser and true friend. May he rest in peace.
Source: Roanoke News, 12 October 1878. Available online at digitalnc.org.