Beacon Flashes Excerpts (February 21, 1890)

The following are excerpted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mr. Joseph TUCKER has opened a harness shop in connection with the shoe shop of Capt. C.W. ASKEW.
  • Hon. L.C. LATHAM, of Greenville, was in the city this week, the guest of his father, Mr. Chas. LATHAM.
  • Mr. Robert ETHERIDGE having accepted a position on the Steam Tug Chowan has moved his family to Berkley, Va.
  • Mrs. Chas. MARTIN, of Norfolk, nee Bertha NEWBERRY, of this place is the guest of her sister, Miss Lottie NEWBERRY, on Main street.
  • Mr. A.S. LEGGETT, formerly of this place, but now travelling salesman for Sam’l. T. White & Co., hatters , of Baltimore, was in the city this week.
  • Mrs. Annie WALKER, accompanied by her son, Master Robbie, left on Wednesday for a visit to her parents at Bridgeville, Del.  In the absence of Mrs. WALKER, her millinery business is being conducted by Miss Adelia SKITTLETHARPE.
  • Miss Chlode MORGAN who was visiting our town last year but who returned to her home at E. City some weeks ago has, we are pleased to note, returned to Plymouth where she will make her future home with her sister, Mrs. J. O. MIDGETT thus adding her grace and beauty to the social circles of our town.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 21 February 1890. Available online at

Marriage Licenses (January 3, 1890)


Source: Roanoke Beacon, 3 January 1890.  Available online at

MARTIN, Charlie and NEWBERRY, Bertha – (m. 1889)


Source: Roanoke Beacon, 20 December 1889. Available online at