Will CARTER Placed in Jail (1905)

Warsaw, Oct. 23 — Will CARTER, a negro 16 years old, attempted to commit an unspeakable crime on a 6-year-old girl of Mr. Howard JAMES, one of our best citizens who lives near Wallace. This was on yesterday while the family were at church. The children were left in the care of a negro woman who went a short distance from the house for some purpose, but hearing the screams of the child, she hurried back and foiled the brute in his dastardly attempt. Excitement ran high, and it looked very much like a lynching would occur, but Sheriff L. MIDDLETON appeared and hurried the prisoner away from the scene of the crime. Deputy Sheriffs J.D. HERRING and D.S. KENNEDY carried the negro to Goldsboro and placed him in the Wayne county jail for safe keeping until the time arrives for a hearing before the lawful authorities.

Source: Kinston Free Press, October 24, 1905