Lively Times at Wilson (1890)

Wilson, NC, Jan. 22 — This morning between 10 and 11 o’clock, Calvin BARNES, a prominent citizen of Wilson, went to the banking house of Branch & Co. to consult with Mr. A. BRANCH regarding an account that he owed Branch, Biggs & Co. The lie was passed between them, and Mr. BARNES knocked Mr. BRANCH through the window of the counting room and followed this up with a number of blows. Mr. J.C. HALES, cashier of the bank, hearing the noise ran to see what was the matter and tried to part the combatants, when Mr. Jas. STERRETT, a step-son of Mr. BARNES – not knowing Mr. HALES’ intention – knocked him down and commanded him to stay there.

After Mr. BRANCH got up all three, BRANCH, BARNES and STERRETT, started out of the bank. At the front door Mr. STERRETT turned, after he and Mr. BARNES had started down the street, and gave Mr. BRANCH a stunning blow which came very near felling him to the floor. The parties were separated.

Some fear was entertained that the difficulty would be renewed. So all the parties were placed under a peace bond. All went well until about 3 o’clock p.m., when Mr. Jas. MARSHBURN, township constable, was sent to arrest Messrs. BARNES and STERRETT and take them before a magistrate, and while he with his prisoners was on the opposite side of the street, Mr. BRANCH ran out and began firing at Mr. BARNES. The balls went wide of them lodged in the left heel of the constable.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 29  January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.