Miles Elliott Becomes Assistant Postmaster (1890)

A Change Mr. Miles ELLIOTT, of Edenton, has accepted the position of assistant postmaster at this place, vice Mr. Clarence LATHAM, resigned.  We hope the Republican will now be satisfied, that is, the few who have been trying to get Mr. LATHAM out.  The only charge that could be brought against Mr. LATHAM was that he is a Democrat.  The majority of the Republicans were satisfied with Mr. LATHAM, for they appreciated his ability to run the office, but as will always be the case, there were a few who kicked hence the change.

Mr. ELLIOTT, being a Republican, may give that party some satisfaction, but if his ability should fail, then what?  Why we will see a clean sweep made, and the office go, perhaps into the hands of a negro.

Some people say the office has not been run right, well, maybe it has not, but is Mr. LATHAM to blame? We think not, and as a change has been made we will see.  If a Democrat must “git” for discharging his duty, the Republicans must stick to the rack, fodder or no fodder.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 29 August 1890. Available online at

Beacon Flashes (January 17, 1890)

The following items are extracted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mr. B.F. OWENS received a fine horse from Baltimore yesterday.
  • Miss Mattie JOHNSON is teaching school at Cool Spring, near town.
  • Mr. T.J. MARRINER, Clerk Superior Court, spent the past week in Norfolk.
  • Mr. E.A. CARTER has returned from a visit to the western part of the State.
  • Misses Allie RODGERSON and Fannie MANNING are visiting friends at Scotland Neck.
  • Mr. Eddie TARKENTON, formerly with J.O. MIDGETT, has accepted a position with J.W. BRYAN, druggist.
  • Geo. McDONALD has opened a bar at the old stand of W.H. WEST, and says “the old man is not dead yet.”
  • Dr. H.H. NORMAN having permanently located in Plymouth, offers his professional services to the public.
  • Mr. Eddie YEAGER, after an absence of several years, is home on a visit to his father, Mr. N.B. YEAGER.
  • Mr. Clarence LATHAM, assistant Post Master, is taking a vacation, and in his absence the position is filled by Mr. Eugene MARRINER.
  • We are informed that Mr. H.A. PRINCE will build a large shingle mill on the site where his grist was burned.  Mr. PRINCE is an energetic man and we trust that any effort made by him will be crowned with success.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 17 January 1890.  Available online at

Marshals for Edenton Fair (1889)

Mr. Thos. S. ARMISTEAD has been requested by Dr. W.B. CAPEHART, President of the Edenton Fair Association by letter from Newport, R.I. to name three young gentlemen from this county for Marshals at the Fair to be held in Edenton in November next.

Mr. ARMISTEAD has named Mess. Clarence LATHAM and Jas. H. SMITH of Plymouth, and J.H. CLARK of Lee’s Mills.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 9 August 1889.  Available online at