
Several burglaries have lately been committed in Franklin county, in this State, the perpetrators of which have not yet been discovered.  The principal sufferer is Thomas LANIER, Esq., who has had his premises robbed of a considerable sum of money, and most of his papers of value, such as bonds, notes, &c.  We trust the villian or villains will shortly be discovered.

Source: Raleigh Register & North Carolina Weekly Advertiser, March 16, 1802.

LANIER, Thomas (d. 1800)

DIED — On the 22d December last, at his residence at the Shallow Ford, in the county of Surry, Thomas LANIER, physician, whose talents and moral rectitude placed him among the most respectable of young men.

Source: Raleigh Register and Weekly Advertiser, 3 February 1801.