Knocked Down and Robbed (1890)

The following is copied from the Salisbury correspondence of the Charlotte Chronicle: John KRIDER was knocked down last Thursday morning by some unknown person or persons, somewhere between the ticket office and the car shops, and a serious gash an inch and a half or two inches long inflicted on his scalp. He has no remembrance of the circumstances of the affair, being somewhat dazed by the blow received. He thinks the time of the occurrence was about 4 o’clock in the morning. When he came to town that morning, early, he was bleeding profusely. KRIDER, on investigation, found that one pocket book containing about $20 was missing, as were also a bunch of keys and a Jack Moore pocket knife. Another pocket book containing $10 had not been stolen.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 22  January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.