BATEMAN, William and KNOWLS, Josephine – (m. 1889)

A Novel Marriage To Take Place at the State Fair

On Tuesday, Oct. 15th, Mr. William M. BATEMAN, a native and resident of this county, and Miss Josephine KNOWLS, also of this county, will be joined in the holy bonds of matrimony at the State Fair in Raleigh.   Mr. BATEMAN will be dressed in a suit of cotton bagging, not the old despised trust bagging, but the genuine cotton bagging, while his fiancee will wear a handsome costume made of North Carolina plaids.  The Raleigh Call says: “This is not all of the novel and attractive features.  He will have ten attending couples, and all of the gentlemen will wear suits made from cotton bagging.  It has been proposed that all the bridesmaids wear costumes of North Carolina plaids, and this may be done, but it is not positively determined upon.  The marriage will surely be an interesting ceremony.”

Mr. BATEMAN is an energetic young man and possesses a noble character that is filled with christian light.  From his youth he has always been a firm believer in truth and justice, ever cleaving to that which is good and denouncing that which is evil.  As a farmer he has been crowned with success and as an Alliance man, he is firm and true to its cause, and has agreed to be married in this novel way, only to show the thousands who may witness it, his appreciation for the cause for which he is laboring.  The lady it is not our pleasure to know, only that she is gifted with the features that are required to make a modest Southern beauty.  She is a graceful figure and possesses the most gentle manners.

This couple were to of been married on the 2d inst., but on receiving the invitation to be married a the fair, they consented to postpone it until the 15th, and to be married in the presence of thousands, who will see their opposition to the “jute trust.”

This marriage will, no doubt, be the most novel feature of the fair, and we are glad to know that it is a couple from our county, and that they are people of high standing, whom every citizen of the old county of Washington is proud to claim.

The presents which will be presented to this happy couple will be numerous and valuable.

The News & Observer under date of Sept. 28 says: “There is a movement afoot here to give a pleasant surprise to Mr. BATEMAN, who is to be married at the fair in a suit of cotton bagging.  Blanks to be signed by donors were passed around yesterday and contained the following.

‘To W.M. BATEMAN and Lady Love, of Washington county, N.C.,  who are to be married on Tuesday, October 15th at Grand Stand in Fair Grounds, in Cotton Bagging under the auspices of the North Carolina Farmers’ Alliance.  They propose to make the farmers’ successful fight against the Jute Bagging Trust memorable by this event; and this wedding present is given to show the appreciation of any just move the farmers of North Carolina may undertake.’

The following parties have so far made present: W.H. & R.S. Tucker Co., Norris & Carter, McKimmon & Mosely, Edward FASNACH, A.W. GOODWIN, Fred A. WATSON, T.H. BRIGGS & Sons, W.H. HUGHES, Charles BRESCHT, Aufrecht & Lee, A.D. ROYSTER & Bro., D.S. WAITT, J C NORRIS, Whiting & Bro., A. WIlLIAMS & Co., C.P. WHARTON, Mrs. BESSON, Miss Maggie REESE, John Y. McRAY, Lee JOHNSTON & Co., W.G. Separk CROSS & Lineham, Capt. J. J. THOMAS.

All the presents will be displayed in some prominent place of Fayetteville street with a card attached, showing from whom the present is received.”

Among the presents is an elegant set of jewelry to be presented to the bride by Mr. Edward FASNACH.

We trust that to complete this notable marriage that the ceremony will be performed by Gov. Daniel G. FOWLE, who in the hearts of the most of our people is one among the noblest sons of Old North State.

The Raleigh Progressive Farmer says: Bro., Will BATEMAN will be married on Tuesday, the 15th, at 12 o’clock m. (Fair week) on Fair grounds.  He will be dressed in a full suit of cotton bagging an the bride will be dressed in an elegant suit of North Carolina gingham.  Thousands and thousands of our farmers will be here to witness it.  This happy couple will meet with grandest reception ever given to a bride and bridegroom in our State.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  4 October 1889.  Available online at