Beacon Flashes (September 5, 1890)

Excerpts from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mrs. N.B. YEAGER is visiting relatives in Gatesville.
  • Mr. Henry FREEMAN has accepted a position as salesman with S. ADLER
  • Master Tommie RODGERSON of Norfolk is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Mary RODGERSON.
  • Mess. J.C. and Henry SPRUILL have opened a general merchandise store in the brick store formerly occupied by R. Schultz & Co.
  • Mr. B.F. STEARN late of Roper, has been appointed agent for the A&P Railroad at Belle Haven the Southern terminus
  • Mrs. Leah N. HOWCUTT left per steamer Plymouth on Wednesday for Washington, D.C., where she goes to visit her sons, Mess. P.N. and A.C. HOWCUTT.
  • We are pleased to note that Mrs. Maria HARDISON, mother of Dr. W.H. HARDISON, of Creswell, who met with the misfortune of falling on our street a few weeks ago at which time she received a severe injury, is still improving and her recovery assured.  She is yet at the home of Mr. C.L. PETTIGREW where she has received at all times the kind attention of family.
  • On Wednesday a negro entered the shoe shop of Mr. J.A. KEENAN and pretended to have some work for Mr. KEENAN but he had other business there, for as Mr. KEENAN turned his back, the negro left, taking with him a pair of shoes.  Mr. KEENAN missed the shoes and started in pursuit of the man who made for the country and being cramped, dropped the shoes and made his escape.
  • Mrs. W.H. HAMPTON, whom we mentioned two weeks since as being on a visit to Maryland, was taken sick on reaching Wolford. On hearing of her illness, her mother, Mrs. S.A. BLOUNT, went at once to bring her home.  They left Wolford but on reaching Baltimore Mrs. HAMPTON’s condition as much worse and the doctors thought it dangerous for her to be moved.  Mr. HAMPTON was telegraphed for and he went at once, and as soon as advisable had his wife brought home.  They arrived on the Str. Meteor yesterday, and at this writing the patient is improving.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 5 September 1890. Available online at

Beacon Flashes (September 6, 1889)

Excerpted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mr. A.S. JACKSON has accepted a position with the firm of M.J. Bunch & Co., as salesman.
  • Mr. C.C. JACKSON has been appointed Deputy Marshal of this section of North Carolina.
  • Mr. J.A. KEENAN, shoe maker and sign painter is now located on Water street, opposite the old hotel.
  • Mr. L.L. NEWBERRY is having the old hotel repaired. It is to be occupied by Miss Fannie O. MELSON.
  • Miss Nellie E. CHESSON, of this county, left on Wednesday for Murfreesboro to attend school at the C.B.F. Institute.
  • Miss Gertie CHESSON, who was the guest of her uncle, Mr. W.M. CHESSON, of Mackey’s Fery, last week, returned home on Sunday.
  • Mr. Ed. WINLEY had his hands badly lacerated one day this week while fooling with the bear, which he supposed to be perfectly harmless.
  • Mr. Rheuban SANDERS and wife, of Mildridge, NC., have been spending the past week with their daughters, Mrs. A. BARDEN and Mrs. J.S. CHESSON, of this city.
  • Mr. W.W. CARRAWAY, Post Office Inspector, accompanied by his wife, was in the city a few days this week as the guests of Mrs. CARRAWAY’s brother, Mr. J.P. HILLIARD.
  • Miss Margie GARRETT will open a Primary School at the Free School building, on Sept. 23rd. Miss GARRETT is a fine teacher, and we wish her much success. See “ad” in this issue.
  • One of the most beautiful sights to be seen on our streets these pleasant evening is Mrs. J.W. READ with her beautiful pheaton and stylish pony, which turnout corresponds well with her grace and beauty.  Mrs. R. handles the reins and whip with as much grace and ease as the most skilled horseman.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  13 September 1889.  Available online at