To Miss Nellie Chesson (1889)

By Mrs. Anna N. Irwin

Her complexion is of an almost transparent delicacy; and its lovely roseate tint accords well with the intelligent tone of her features, which are cast in the finest mould of grecian symmetry.  A benignant smile plays round her lips; and her laughing lambent eyes are the softest liquid blue. The rose of health in young and dewy freshness blooms upon her cheek; and from her eye the spirit of each thought looks out in undisguised expression; and diffuses its own pure loveliness.

Blest is he who wins her love,
And sips its gentle sweets;
He need not life’s oppressive gloom,
Nor all the cares he meets.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  27 September 1889.  Available online at