City News (July 5, 1889)

City News

  • Mr. J.F. YEAGER has accepted position with HORNTHAL & Bros. as a salesman
  • Prof. John WHALEY of Norfolk visited his father Mr. S.M. WHALEY.
  • Chief Engineer, W.W. SEARBORO was summoned home by the illness of his wife.
  • Mrs. J. B. HUNTER has been visiting her sister Mrs. J.F. NORMAN 
  • Mr. W.C. AYERS gave his patent garlic machine a test on Tuesday.
  • Miss Ella BATEMAN, daughter of J.M. BATEMAN Esq, who has been ill, returned home much improved.
  • Mr. Geo. DIXON who has been a salesman for W.C. AYERS’ store, left for Edenton where he accepted a position on the “Eastern Advocate” a new paper for that town.
  • Mr. S.M. WHALEY left to visit his family in Norfolk. He will be moving his family to Norfolk soon.


Source: Roanoke Beacon, 5 July1889.  Available online at