Beacon Flashes (November 1, 1889)

The following items are excerpted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mrs. Eliza RANKINS is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. HOUSTON.
  • Mr. E.S. CHESSON has resigned his position as salesman with S. ADLER.
  • Mrs. Gov. JARVIS has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. A.O. GAYLORD, for the past few days.
  • Mr. J.E.C. JOHNSTON, a popular young farmer, brought to our office yesterday the largest ear of corn we ever saw – it measured nearly 18 inches in length.  It was raised on W.H. HAMPTON’s River farm.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 1 November 1889.  Available online at

City News (July 26, 1889)

Items extracted from the City News column:

  • Mrs. Geo. E. STEVENSON of Snowden, was in the city this week, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo. HOUSTON.
  • Mr. Geo. E. STEVENSON has opened a Feed store at the corner of Water and Jefferson streets.  See advertisement in this issue.
  • John BENTLEY, colored, captured a large rattlesnake on Wednesday morning in a swamp near here and brought it to town for exhibition.
  • Mr. Jos. HATT and family, formerly of Greensburg, Ind. but who have made this their home for the past year, returned to their native State yesterday.  This family while in our midst made many friends and are highly esteemed by all who knew them.  It is with regret that we give up the family, particularly the young ladies, Misses Nettie and Lenora who have added so much to the social circles of Plymouth.  We are joined by hosts of friends in extending to this family a hearty adieu and best wishes for their future prosperity.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 26 July 1889.  Available online at