Beacon Flashes (July 4, 1890)

Select excerpts from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mr. G.L. HOUSTON has accepted a position with L.C. MARRINER, of Mackey’s Ferry, as sawyer.
  • The public school at Cool Spring will begin on Monday next, July 7th, Mrs. Mattie AUSBON, teacher.
  • Mr. C.A. WALKER has accepted a position with J.M. REID & Son as salesman, vice Mr. H.B. BROWN resigned.
  • Mr. Gordon L. VINCENT, of Princeton, Va., and sister Mattie E. VINCENT, of Salisbury, Md., are the guests of their brother, Mr. J.E. VINCENT, on Washington street.
  • Col. W.H. FITCHETT left on Monday for his summer home in the mountains of Virginia.  He was accompanied by his niece, Miss Beatrice HINER, of Virginia, who has been attending the Plymouth High School at this place.  The Col. will return in the early fall, but we are sorry to say that Miss HINER bids us good bye to return no more, at least not as school girl – Peace be still.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 4 July 1890, pg 3. Available online at

Beacon Flashes (February 2, 1890)

Excerpts from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • During the illness of S.C. CLERK, T.J. MARRINER, and Register of Deeds, J.P. HILLIARD, both offices have been in charge of Mr. Thos. S. ARMISTEAD, as deputy.
  • Owing to unavoidable circumstances Hon. J.E. MOORE could not be present to address the Ex Confederates on Monday last, which caused much disappointment to our people.
  • The addition of a cornet to the choir at the Methodist Church is quite an improvement.  Though the choir is composed of a number of our most gifted singers, yet the soft notes of the cornet made by Prof. J.W. PIERCY, makes it even more melodious.
  • Mrs. Louis E. HINER, who has been spending some time in our town as the guest of her brother, Col. W.H. FITCHETT, left for her home in Pendleton Co., West Virginia, on Monday.   She was accompanied as far as Edenton by the Colonel and her daughter, Miss Beatrice, also Misses Stella and Neva LATHAM and Eloise DAVENPORT.
  • Mr. I..F. HARRISON, who has been clerking for Hornthal & Bro. for several years, has accepted a situation with T.W. BLOUNT, of Roper.  Mr. HARRISON is a clever, genial gentleman, and a popular and polite salesman, and we congratulate his new employer upon securing his valuable services, and bepseak for him the continued patronage of his numerous friends and acquaintances.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 7 February 1890. Available online at