A Fearless Youth (1889)

The Durham Globe gives the following account of a romantic elopement which occurred at the Greensboro (N.C.) Female College, last week:

“Ed HEILIG, of Mt. Pleasant, N.C., was a suitor for the hand of Miss Mattie KINOLY, of the same place.  Objections seemed to have been interposed by the young lady’s parents who dispatched their daughter off to a boarding school, hoping to break off the attachment.  HEILIG went to Greensboro, procured a ladder, mounted to his love’s window, and in the darkness of night, carried her off and took her to Salisbury, where they were married.  The last legislature of this State granted this institution special police powers for the prevention of such disturbances, and making it a  misdemeanor to enter the grounds for the purpose of interfering with or inducing any student to violate the rules of the institution.  As this is the first violation since this enactment, it is thought that suit will be instituted against young HEILIG.”

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  6 September 1889.  Available online at digitalnc.org.