Beacon Flashes (May 30, 1890)

Excerpts from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mr. W.W. WHITE and wife are visiting relatives in Richmond, Va.
  • Miss Ella MIDGETT left on Tuesday for Creswell, where she will remain several weeks as the guest of her sister, Mrs. H.T. HASSELL.
  • Dr. H. P. MURRAY has been attending the State Medical Convention at Oxford this week.  In his absence Dr. COX has had all the work to do.
  • Rev. J.F. TUTTLE, pastor of the Baptist church of this town will preach the annual sermon before the Chowan Baptist Female Institute, on Tuesday, June 3, at 8 o’clock.
  • Mr. Thos. S. ARMISTEAD, President of the Washington county Confederate Veterans’ Association was among the number that left on Wednesday to be present at the unveiling of the Lee monument in Richmond.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 30 May 1890, pg 3. Available online at

From Creswell (May 30, 1890)

Excerpts from the “From Creswell” column:

  • Mr. H.T. HASSELL made a flying business trip to E. City last week.
  • Mrs. H.T. HASSELL is expected home in a few days from Plymouth, where she has been visiting relatives.
  • Mrs. Dr. J.L. HASSELL is expected to visit her sister, Mrs. DAVIS of Middleton, Conn. in a few days

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 30 May 1890, pg 2. Available online at

Beacon Flashes (May 23, 1890)

Excerpts from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mayor LATHAM has erected a nice little cottage on East Main street for his own use.
  • Miss Lucille OWENS is visiting Greenville as the guest of her uncle, Hon. Louis C. LATHAM.
  • A pleasant call yesterday from Mr. Wheeler MARTIN a popular attorney from Williamston.
  • Mrs. H.T. HASSELL and children, of Creswell, have been visiting her mother, Mrs. T. MIDGETT, this week.
  • Miss Eva LEHMAN who was visiting her grandmother, Mrs. C.E. GOELETT, returned to her home in Raleigh on Friday last.  She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Lizzie GOELETT.
  • Mr. B.F. OWENS has purchased from Mr. S. BAYNOR his livery business known as Kentucky Stables.  Mr. OWENS proposes to run both stables, the one on Main street also the Kentucky Stables on Water street. We wish him success.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 23 May 1890, pg 3. Available online at