Balam – Ran Away (1836)

Twenty five Dollars Reward — Ranaway from the subscriber’s plantation in Caswell county, about the 1st of June last, a negro man named Balam, about 22 years of age, black complexion, about five feet seven or eight inches high, well set and active, free spoken, a small part of one of his fore fingers off, whether right or left hand, not recollected. The hair on his forehead low.  I purchased him of a man by the name of CARR, in Sampson county in this State: I will give the above reward of twenty five dollars for his delivery to me in Yanceyville, or for his confinement in any Gaol in this State, so that I get him again. — John C. HARVEY. Yanceyville, NC, Dec. 28, 1835.

Source: The North-Carolina standard. (Raleigh, N.C.), 14 Jan. 1836. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>