Long Ridge Letter (March 28, 1890)

This letter is dated March 14, 1890:

  • It is with pleasure we inform the many friends of Mr. J.H. HARRISON of his improving health, and that he may continue to improve until quite restored to the blessing of health, is our wish.
  • We are sorry to miss from our place the pleasant faces of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. SYKES.  We understand that Mr. SYKES has gone to Bath where he will accept a position.  Although our people much regret to give them up, yet we wish for them every success and happiness in their new home.
  • Mr. H.W. MATHEWS and bride, nee Miss Sadie DAVENPORT, have made their home at this place; we give them a hearty welcome and our best wishes for a long and happy life.
  • It is very gratifying to note the interest taken in the Sabbath school here by both the children and their elders, no prettier sight could be seen than the many sweet little faces and bright eyes that give one an eager welcome each Sabbath afternoon and who assemble to recite their lessons and hear of Him who said, “Suffer little children to come unto me,” and among those ladies and gentlemen who take such kindly interest there is perhaps none more attentive or hopeful of the success of this good work than Mr. Thos. GREEN of this place, the most noble and eloquent prayer we ever heard was offered by him in behalf of the school on Sunday last.
  • Our accomplished young friend, Mr. F.L. MORRIS, is attending school at Scotland Neck. His many friends here join us in wishing for him the brightest succss and every blessing heaven or earth can give.

    Source: Roanoke Beacon, 28 March 1890, pg 2. Available online at digitalnc.org.