Letter of Thanks (1890)

Mr. Editor – Dear Sir: – I beg you hereby to extend my thanks to the young men of Plymouth and especially to Mr. H.S. OWENS and the Deputy Sheriff, Mr. L.I. FAGAN, for their kindness and courticies they have shown me in hours of trouble. – Very respectfully, P.C. HAND.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 21 February 1890. Available online at digitalnc.org.

Forgery Committed (1890)

It seems that forgery has been committed in Knoxville, Tenn., by one T.C. PAYTON, for which a reward of $750 is offered.  On Thursday last a citizen of Perquimans county, one Thos. RIDDICK, came here, and without any authority, other than the discription [sic] of said PAYTON, arrested Mr. P.C. HAND, and caused him to be confined to our jail until Monday, when the officers of the bank came and testified that HAND was not the man wanted.

If such an action is law we say repeal that law at once, for the safety of strangers, as well as our own people. The idea of arresting a private citizen and an innocent man, at the point of a pistol, tying him and dragging him to jail, because he, by chance, resembles a man who is wanted for some crime, and is held until he can prove his identity, then released without redress.

We believe the decision of Justice ARMISTEAD was correct, when he fined Mr. REDDICK, or as the boys now call him the “Sadly left Detective,” for carrying a concealed weapon, and we trust when Mr. REDDICK is arraigned before the Superior Court for assault and battery upon Mr. HAND, while under arrest, that the jury will render a verdict according to the evidence as will be given by many of our most prominent citizen, and that the judge may make his sentence so that it will answer as a warning to such men as may be trying to secure a reward.

Such actions as in the above case should not be tolerated by good citizens.  If we are to be taken up and thrust in prison in any such style, losing our time, besides the disgrace and embarrassment that naturally attends the shades of the prison wall, where is he protection of our government?  What is the use of having laws and officers?

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 21 February 1890. Available online at digitalnc.org.

Held for Forgery (1890)

A white man claiming to be P.C. HAND of France, was arrested in this town last night by Sheriff REDDICK of Perquimans county upon suspicion as being the man wanted at Knoxville, Tenn., for forgery.  A hearing was had before Justice ARMISTEAD. The bond was fixed at $500 upon failure to give same he was sent to jail to await developments.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 14 February 1890. Available online at digitalnc.org.