J.T. FORD’s Catches Fire (1878)

FIRE – Wednesday morning about one o’clock the alarm of fire was sounded and much excitement and consternation prevailed, as the locality of the fire could not be discovered, but it was soon found to be the well-known establishment of Mr. J.T. FORD.  A large concourse of people rushed to the scene but their services were not needed, as Mr. F. had nearly extinguished the flames before assistance arrived.  Mr. FORD was sleeping in an adjoining room and was awakened by the smoke, but for that, we would have had a large conflagration.  The origin of the fire was supposed to have been the carelessly throwing a lighted match in a pile of wood lying near the stove, as no fire had been made since the early part of the day.
Source: Roanoke News, 7 September 1878. Available online at digitalnc.org.