SMITH, Benjamin J. – (d. 1918)

Passed to the Great Beyond

Tis sad to Chronicle the death of Mr. Benjamin J. SMITH, which occurred at the home of Humphrey Bros., Monday, April 8, at 6:30pm.

He had been ill only a few days, and his death came as a shock to his many friends throughout the community.  He was about sixty years of age; and came here about five years ago from New Jersey, to engage in the lumber industry.

He soon became attached to the HUMPHREY family, and remained with them until his death.  He was a very industrious man, with a pleasant disposition, and soon won many warm friends here, where he was familiarly known as “Uncle Ben.”

Such a warm attachment existed between he and the HUMPHREY family, that since the death of his mother, which occurred several months ago, he expressed this as being his home.  As a member of this family, he took an interest in everything pertaining to their affairs and will be sadly missed.

He was very appreciative of their kindness to him, and especially to Mrs. HUMPHREY, who so tenderly cared for him during his illness.

Failing to hear from any of his kindred, he was buried in a beautiful casket in Mount Williams cemetery.  The burial service was conducted by the pastor, Rev. P.L. CLARK.

His cheerful smile and jolly disposition will be missed in the community by his many friends; yet there is a sweet consolation to know he had the best attention of a skillful physician and the kindest care of the family and friends.  As there were no kindred present, I, as a friend, contribute this little item hoping some day some loved one, many know of his death and burial.  — C.P. MOORE

Source: Pender Chronicle, 18 April 1918, page 5.