Mortuary Report (September 19, 1880)

During the week ending at sunset on Saturday, September 18, there were in this city and township 7 deaths, of which 4 were of white and 3 of colored persons, as follows:

  • September 13, Eliza H. BIENE, white, 45 years, carcinoma uteri. Raleigh township.
  • September 13, Fountain COTTON, colored, 57 years, cerebritis. Second ward.
  • September 13, Rowena MULLEN, white, 65 years, pulmonary hemorrhage, Second ward.
  • September 14. Willie PLUMMER, colored, 5 weeks, marasmus. Second ward.*
  • September 15, Infant of Dick WILLIAMS, colored, 7 days, trismus nascentium.  Second ward **
  • September 15, Lucinda CARTER, white, 65 years, pulmonary consumption. Second ward.
  • September 15, Martha DENTON, white, 41 years, consumption of lungs and bowels. Second ward.

In the case marked with ** no physician was in attendance, and in that with an * the coroner gave the certificate.

The health of the city is good.  No contagious diseases have been reported to the Superintendent of Health.

Source: Raleigh News and Observer, 19 September 1880, page 3.

CARTER, Lucinda – (d. 1880)

DIED – at her residence on Lenoir street, at 11:30 o’clock last night, Mrs. Lucinda CARTER, aged 63 years.  She had been sick and confined to her bed nearly eight years.  She was a member of the First Methodist church, and her funeral will be held therefrom.

Source: Raleigh News and Observer, 16 September 1880. Page 3.