Roper Letter (August 5, 1890)

The following items are extracted from the Roper Letter column (dated August 5, 1890):

  • Miss Ella KNIGHT, an attractive young lady of Tyrrell county, is in the village, the guest of her cousin, Dr. B.F. HALLSEY.
  • Miss May JOHNSTON, of Pantego, formerly of this place, is visiting Mrs. J.G. BLOUNT.
  • Miss Gertrude CHESSON, one of the fairest places of the Mackey’s Ferry beauties,  is in town, the guest of Miss Gussie CARSTARPHEN.
  • Mr. H.C. SPRUILL, who has been confined for some time with an attack of typhoid fever, is, we are glad to learn, convalescent.
  • Mr. W.H. DAILY, our polite and accommodating postmaster, has moved his office from the old stand to the shed belonging to Mr. HUTON’s store.
  • Another store has been opened in our midst by Mr. M. ROSENSTEIN. He is occupying the main body of HUTON’s store.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 8 August 1890, page 3. Available online at

Roper Letter (July 25, 1890)

Excerpts from the Roper Letter (dated July 20, 1890):

  • Miss Fannie CARSTARPHEN, one of Washington county’s favorites, and who is now teaching at Weises’ school house, was in town today, the guest of her sister, Miss Gussie.
  • Mr. R.L. WILLIAMS has accepted a position with T.W. BLOUNT as bookkeeper.
  • Among those who went on the excursion Saturday night were Mess. T.W. BLOUNT, Guy WINDLEY and G.W. ROPER.
  • T.W. BLOUNT has laid off a lot in Roper upon which it is proposed to build an Episcopal church.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 25 July 1890, pg 2. Available online at

Roper Letter (July 18, 1890)

Excerpts from the Roper Letter (dated July 14, 1890):

  • Miss Gussie CARSTARPHEN our efficient and popular teacher, opened the Public school at this place on the 7th inst.
  • Miss Sallie EMMERSON of Portsmouth, Va., is visiting her brother, Mr. Thomas HAWKINS.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 18 July 1890, pg 2. Available online at