Beacon Flashes (October 4, 1889)

The following items are excerpted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • The charming Hope HUNTER, after a most pleasant visit to her mother at Enfield, had returned.
  • Mrs. H.T. HASWELL, of Creswell, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Capt. MIDGETT and others this week.
  • Dr. H.P. MURRAY, has moved his family from Main street to the Thompson House on Washington street.
  • Miss Fannie MANNING spent several days at Jamesville this week as the guest of her cousin, Miss Lizzie WALTERS.
  • Miss Annie, the beautiful and attractive little daughter of Rev. R.B. COLLIER, has been visiting friends in the city this week.
  • Mr. T.W. BUTT has again returned to the paint department in the “Old Reliable Carriage Factory,” after a pleasant visit to friends in E. City.
  • Mr. C.V.W. AUSBON has accepted a position with R. Schultz & Co., of E. City to which place he went on Monday.  Our best wishes go with you brother.
  • The many friends of the beautiful and accomplished Miss Mary GENT will rejoice to learn that she has again, after an absence of nearly a year, honored our town with her grace and beauty.  She is with Mrs. S.A. BLOUNT, milliner, and we ask our lady friends to call on her when in want of a hat, she can please the most fastedious.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  4 October 1889.  Available online at