Beacon Flashes (January 17, 1890)

The following items are extracted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mr. B.F. OWENS received a fine horse from Baltimore yesterday.
  • Miss Mattie JOHNSON is teaching school at Cool Spring, near town.
  • Mr. T.J. MARRINER, Clerk Superior Court, spent the past week in Norfolk.
  • Mr. E.A. CARTER has returned from a visit to the western part of the State.
  • Misses Allie RODGERSON and Fannie MANNING are visiting friends at Scotland Neck.
  • Mr. Eddie TARKENTON, formerly with J.O. MIDGETT, has accepted a position with J.W. BRYAN, druggist.
  • Geo. McDONALD has opened a bar at the old stand of W.H. WEST, and says “the old man is not dead yet.”
  • Dr. H.H. NORMAN having permanently located in Plymouth, offers his professional services to the public.
  • Mr. Eddie YEAGER, after an absence of several years, is home on a visit to his father, Mr. N.B. YEAGER.
  • Mr. Clarence LATHAM, assistant Post Master, is taking a vacation, and in his absence the position is filled by Mr. Eugene MARRINER.
  • We are informed that Mr. H.A. PRINCE will build a large shingle mill on the site where his grist was burned.  Mr. PRINCE is an energetic man and we trust that any effort made by him will be crowned with success.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 17 January 1890.  Available online at

Crazy Mariah (1899)

Complaint was made before Mayor LATHAM on Wednesday, against “Crazy Mariah,” as a nuisance to the town.  His honor at once ordered her arrest and confinement which was, after some trouble, executed by officer Truett.

The affidavit was issued by Justice Thos. S. ARMISTEAD and signed by Mr. J.W. BRYAN, druggist.

This woman is undoubtedly insane as Dr. W.H. WARD testified after examination and her confinement is a relief to the town.

Justice ARMISTEAD has written to the president of the colored Insane Asylum at Goldsboro to know if there is room for her in that institution.  If a favorable reply is received she will be taken at once to the Asylum where she will be cared for.

This woman’s real name is Mariah ARMISTEAD.  She has, at various times, been subject to spells of insanity for years.  She was taken to the Asylum some time ago, where she only remained a few months, as her mind was restored for the time, she was released and sent home.  This time she should be kept there, for when these spells are on her she is a great trouble to the town.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  16 August 1889.  Available online at

City News (July 12, 1889)

Items excerpted from the City News column

  • Mr. N.T. HOUSTON, of Suffolk, Va., was on a visit to his brother, Mr. Geo. HOUSTON, this week.
  • Mr. B.L.C. BRYAN and wife of Hamilton, are the guest of their nephew, Mr. J.W. BRYAN, on Third street.
  • Mr. S.K. EVERETT, formerly of Choinjock, has opened a store at the B.F. OWENS stand on Water street. Welcome.
  • Miss Lelia MATHIAS, who has been visiting here sister, Mrs. J.E. VINCENT, returned to her home in Gates county on Tuesday.
  • Miss Scharlotte WOOD, of Edenton, spent the week with her sister, Mrs. L.I. FAGAN, near town.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 12 July 1889.  Available online at