Beacon Flashes (September 12, 1890)

Excerpts from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mrs. A.L. DOUGHTIE, of Winton, is the guest of her brother, Mr. D.O. BRINKLEY.
  • Master Tommie ROGERSON has accepted a position as salesman with Mr. J.W. PIERCY.
  • Master LEHMAN, the little son of Mr. J.A. NORMAN, fell from a ladder last week on some stakes, one of which entered his thigh, inflicting a very painful wound.
  • Mr. Whalon HARDISON, formerly cabin boy on the schooner O. Coke, was on Saturday last promoted to the position of captain of that vessel, vice Capt. T. MIDGETT, resigned to take charge of Hornthal & Bro’s new schooner.  Our congratulations Capt. HARDISON.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 12 September 1890. Available online at

Beacon Flashes (October 18, 1889)

The following items are excerpted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Miss Mattie JOHNSTON, who has been teaching school at Long Ridge, is quite ill at her home in “Roseneath.”
  • Mr. James BRINKLEY and family and Mrs. M.L. DOWDY, of Winton, are the guest of their brother, Mr. D.O. BRINKLEY.
  • Mr. Samuel BAYNOR, proprietor of the “Old Kentucky Stables,” informs us that he will enter his Thoroughbred in the running race at the Edenton Fair.  She is a fine horse and swift runner, and we think will take the premium.
  • Among the most valuable present received by W.M. BATEMAN and wife, who were married at the State Fair last Tuesday was a life insurance policy of $1,000 on the Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Newark, N.J., by Mr. J.W. THOMPSON and a policy of $1,000 on the life of the groom for the bride by the agent of the Union Central Co. Mr. C.J. HUNTER of Raleigh.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 18 October 1889.  Available online at