RICKETS, Charles – (d. 1890)

A Boy Homicide at Asheville — Charles RICKETS was stabbed and nearly instantly killed at Battery Park hotel at 6 o’clock last Thursday evening. The name of the murderer is Alfred MCELRATH. Both of the parties are colored. The two boys were standing on the lower porch at the front of the hotel with some companions and RICKETS was tensing MCELRATH. He was warned to desist, but paid no attention. Finally the murderer drew a pocket knife from his pocket and tried to cut his tormentor. The blow fell short and RICKETS retaliated by pushing his opponent against the side of the building. MCELRATH rushed forward, raised his Sharpenedknife and struck for RICKETS’ heart. The blow was true, and an ugly gash was cut in RICKETS’ side and he fell to the ground. When he saw the result of his work the murderer took to his heels.

The wounded boy lived no more than ten minutes after receiving the knife thrust. Chief of Police BAIRD was sent for and reached the scene just as the boy breathed his last. — Asheville Citizen.

Source: Davidson Times-Dispatch, 29  January 1890.  Paper available at Google News Archive.