Beacon Flashes (June 27, 1890)

Select excerpts from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mr. J.F. AYERS has returned from a visit to Maryland and Virginia.
  • Miss Gertie MIZELLE, of Long Ridge, is the guest of relatives in the city.
  • The Alliance men say L.I. FAGAN, of Plymouth, or H.A. LEECHFIELD, of Creswell, will be our next Sheriff.  Both good men.
  • Rev. C.W. ROBINSON and Mess. S.M. WHALEY and W.C. AYERS were among the number that attended the Sam Jones meeting at Norfolk this week.
  • Miss Lethia NORMAN who has been in our town for the past three weeks as the guest of Mrs. Fannie NORMAN, returned to her home at Creswell on Wednesday.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 27 June 1890, pg 3. Available online at

Resignation of Police Tucker (1899)

Mr. Jos. TUCKER, who has served the town of Plymouth so faithfully for the past three or four years as Chief of Police, tendered his resignation on Monday last which was accepted.

Mr. J.F. AYERS has been elected to fill the vacancy.

Mr. TUCKER has ever done his duty and given universal satisfaction, and in his resignation our town loses one of its most efficient officers.  He has been given a position on the Albemarle & Raleigh Railroad, as Section Master.  We wish him every success in his new work.

Mr. AYERS will no doubt make a good officer.  He was for a long time Deputy Sheriff of this township and filled the office well.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  16 August 1889.  Available online at