Beacon Flashes (February 28, 1890)

The following items are excerpted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mrs. Claud SPRUILL, of Creswell, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. PEAL, during the week.
  • Mr. W.D. BOWEN, of Long Acre, has accepted a position in the drugstore of Dr. H.P. MURRAY.
  • Miss Matie LUDFORD, of Creswell, is the guest of her uncle, Mr. E. LUDFORD, on Washington St.
  • In the absence of Chief Police AYERS, caused by illness, that office is being filled by Mr. C.V.W. AUSBON.
  • Miss Cora DUNSTON, of Creswell, has been honoring our town with her angelic presence for a few days, as the guest of Miss Adelia SKITTLETHARPE. She will return home today.
  • Mr. M.E. ELLIOTT, formerly clerk of the Bay View House, of Edenton, but now representing John B. SULLIVAN. Commission merchant of Philadelphia, gave us a call on Wednesday last.
  • Mr. W. Cotten DOWNING and other gentlemen of Pennsylvania, are in North Carolina, looking out for a site with a view to establish a sheep ranch.  Mr. DOWNING is also representing the Dispatch, of Pettsburg.  The party will visit Plymouth before their return.
  • Our popular young townsman, Mr. L.T. HOUSTON, formerly of Salsbury, Md., but recently with the R.R.R. & L. Company of this place, has purchased from Mr. G.E. STEVENSON the Feed and Grocery Store on the corner of Water and Jefferson streets.  A feed store is one of the necessities of our town and we trust that our people will give this young man their support. Mr. HOUSTON is an active business man and he says that he proposes to make that branch of merchantile business a success. May prosperity crown your efforts friend “Todd” is the wish of the BEACON.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 28 February 1890. Available online at

Beacon Flashes (October 4, 1889)

The following items are excerpted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • The charming Hope HUNTER, after a most pleasant visit to her mother at Enfield, had returned.
  • Mrs. H.T. HASWELL, of Creswell, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Capt. MIDGETT and others this week.
  • Dr. H.P. MURRAY, has moved his family from Main street to the Thompson House on Washington street.
  • Miss Fannie MANNING spent several days at Jamesville this week as the guest of her cousin, Miss Lizzie WALTERS.
  • Miss Annie, the beautiful and attractive little daughter of Rev. R.B. COLLIER, has been visiting friends in the city this week.
  • Mr. T.W. BUTT has again returned to the paint department in the “Old Reliable Carriage Factory,” after a pleasant visit to friends in E. City.
  • Mr. C.V.W. AUSBON has accepted a position with R. Schultz & Co., of E. City to which place he went on Monday.  Our best wishes go with you brother.
  • The many friends of the beautiful and accomplished Miss Mary GENT will rejoice to learn that she has again, after an absence of nearly a year, honored our town with her grace and beauty.  She is with Mrs. S.A. BLOUNT, milliner, and we ask our lady friends to call on her when in want of a hat, she can please the most fastedious.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  4 October 1889.  Available online at