TODD, Carrie Asbury – (d. 1915)

Ms. Carrie Asbury TODD, wife of Mr. Floyd TODD and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.M. ASBURY, passed peacefully to eternal rest in the early morning hours of February 8th, being a little less than eighteen years of age.  She had been ill but a few days and therefore her death came as a great surprise and shock to many friends and acquaintances.  This was a sad death indeed because a young life was so suddenly cut short and because she was a bride of only six months. 

Her nearest relatives are a young husband, her father and mother, three brothers and two sisters.  But they sorrow not as those who have no hope; for their loved one surely rests from the labors of a brief life well spent in the Master’s service. No community could ever boast of a more beautiful, self-sacrificing and loyal spirit than that of Sister TODD.  At the early age of ten years she joined the Methodist Church in Seversville where she lived and died.  And from her entrance into the church she was either a teacher or an assistant teacher in the Sunday school, and holding also other offices from time to time in the Sunday school, and Epworth League.  When the summons came she was choir leader and teacher of a class in Sunday school. 

Her saintly soul is with God but the world is richer for the privilege of having had so pure a life within it.  We cherish her memory as one of the most precious of our heritages.  She acted well her part and lived up to the full measure of duty and when the sun went down there were no clouds.  Her pure soul has winged its way up <…> the supernal glory of another world and all we can do is to mourn her and place on her grave our tribute and affection and esteem.  No; one thinks more we can do. And that is to follow Christ as she followed him til we see her and till we “see him as <…> is.” — W.F. ELLIOTT, Pastor. 

Source: NC Christian Advocate, 11 March 1915.  Available online at the Internet Archive.