Elopement Deterred (1889)

On Saturday night last a preliminary trial was heard at the Court House before Justice ARMISTEAD, of a runaway couple.

It seems that on Friday night last, Bettie SMALL, (colored), age, thirteen years, escaped at Lee’s Mills, with one Lloyd ARNOLD.  Her mother at once telegraphed the Register of Deeds at this place not to issue a license for this couple, as the girl was under age.  On Saturday she came to town, swore out a warrant for the arrest of said ARNOLD.  The warrant was placed in the hands of Deputy Sheriff FAGAN, who went at once to the house of ARNOLD, where he found him and the girl.  They were brought to town, where the trial was had before Justice ARMISTEAD, with C.L. PETTIGREW for the plaintiff, and A.O. GAYLORD, for the defendant.  After hearing the evidence on both sides Mr. ARMISTEAD bound the defendant, ARNOLD, over to the next term of the Superior Court, under a $100 bond, with A.O. GAYLORD and Levi ARNOLD, as bondsmen.

The girl was returned to her parents.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 8 November 1889.  Available online at digitalnc.org.