Dennis Arnold Recaptured (1890)

Excerpt from the Beacon Flashes column:

Dennis ARNOLD, the negro who escaped from jail at this place and was afterwards recaptured and sent to Williamston jail for safe keeping, has been brought back and placed in the jail here since it has been repaired.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 5 September 1890. Available online at

Beacon Flashes (August 8, 1890)

The following items are extracted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mr. Willie OWENS of Creswell was in the city this week the guest of his uncle, Mr. B.F. OWENS.
  • Miss Maggie MORGAN, of Richmond, Va., is the guest of her sisters, Mrs. J.O. MIDGETT and Miss Chlode MORGAN.
  • Miss Mattie VINCENT, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. J.E. VINCENT, returned to her home on Friday last.
  • After a pleasant visit of three weeks to friends in Hyde county, Miss Mary SMITH returned home on Saturday last.
  • Mr. Will DENHARDT, who has been in the employ of A.M. WALKER, at this place during the past year, has returned to his old home in Baltimore.  We regret giving you up, Will.
  • I.C. MARRINER has opened a saloon in R.F. BUTLER’s old stand, and has secured the services of Mr. R.B. HAYES, a well-known saloon keeper of Eastern Carolina.  Don’t drink, but if you do, “Little Bob” can fix ’em up right in any style.  If you don’t believe it try him.
  • A telegram was received here yesterday sent to the Sheriff of the county from the authorities of Brunswick, Ga., asking if a young white man, one J.F. GAYLORD was wanted in this county.  Deputy Sheriff L.I. FAGAN replied at once that said GAYLORD wanted, and to have him arrested at once.  It will be remembered that young GAYLORD broke jail at this place on June 9th, and escaped together with Dennis ARNOLD.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 8 August 1890, page 3. Available online at