Beacon Flashes (November 8, 1889)

The following items are excerpted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mr. John STOCKS is sojourning with relatives at Kinston.  We wish him a pleasant stay.
  • Mr. J.W. BEASLEY has accepted a position with S. ADLER, vice Tommie ROGERSON resigned.
  • Mr. Sam’l LATHAM, of Aulanda, was in the city this week as the guest of his cousin R.J. MANNING.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 8 November 1889.  Available online at

Beacon Flashes (November 1, 1889)

The following items are excerpted from the Beacon Flashes column:

  • Mrs. Eliza RANKINS is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. HOUSTON.
  • Mr. E.S. CHESSON has resigned his position as salesman with S. ADLER.
  • Mrs. Gov. JARVIS has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. A.O. GAYLORD, for the past few days.
  • Mr. J.E.C. JOHNSTON, a popular young farmer, brought to our office yesterday the largest ear of corn we ever saw – it measured nearly 18 inches in length.  It was raised on W.H. HAMPTON’s River farm.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 1 November 1889.  Available online at

City News (July 19, 1889)

Items extracted from the City News column:

  • Miss Lizzie WARD of New Berne, is the guest of her uncle, Dr. W.H. WARD, on Main street.
  • Mr. E. St. C. CHESSON, son of our efficient sheriff, J.B. CHESSON, has accepted a position as salesman with S. ADLER.
  • Miss Aline LEITCH, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo. STEVENSON, at Snowden, for some weeks past returned Monday.
  • Mrs. H.H. BROWN and children left on Str. PLYMOUTH yesterday evening for Washington, NC, where they will spend several weeks as the guests of Mr. BROWN’s mother, Mrs. Annie MONTGOMERY.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 19 July 1889.  Available online at