Runaway Liberty – (1802)

Runaway Negro – Runaway from the Subscriber, more than two years ago, a Negro Man, named Liberty.  He is about 25 Years of Age, 5 Feet 10 Inches high; has a black Complexion, is rather slender made and is a little knock-kneed; the Hair on his Forehead grows very low.  He speaks good English, and is tolerable Cooper and Waterman.  He was born the Property of James COMMANDER, of South Carolina; at the Death of whom he was given to his Master’s Daughter Margaret, from whom he absconded. 
Whoever shall apprehend the said Fellow and lodge him in any Goal in North Carolina; and give Information thereof to Mr. Cornelius WINGATE, of Fayetteville, so that he be recovered, shall receive from him a Reward of One Hundred Dollars — Peter LEWIS.  
The Fellow may have changed his name.

Source: Raleigh Register, and North-Carolina Weekly Advertiser, 18 May 1802. 

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