Roper Letter (August 19, 1890)

Excerpts from the Roper Letter column:

  • Rev. D.D. BAILEY made a flying trip to Washington last week.
  • Dr. H. SNELL, of Washington, was in town Monday on professional business.
  • Mr. F.D. ELLIS, who has been visiting relatives in this section for the past month, last Thursday for Avon, Dare county.
  • Miss Eva HASSELL, one of Roper’s belles, is visiting Miss Nellie CHESSON at Chessonsville.  Two more charming young ladies are hard to find.
  • Mr. Tom CHESSON’s family, who have all been sick with typhoid fever, are, we are glad to say, improving.  Hope they will soon be entirely well.
  • There were no services in Hebron church last Sunday, owing to the absence of the junior pastor, who is beginning to learn that he needs an assistant, and when he gets her, he will be likely to Hold(h)er.
  • The meeting at Zion’s Chapel came to close last Sunday night.  The meeting resulted in several accessions.  Two were baptized Sunday morning.
  • The picnic at Zion’s Chapel last Thursday was a grand success.

Source: Roanoke Beacon, 22 August 1890. Available online at

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