Riot in Halifax (1889)

From the Scotland Neck Democrat – On last Monday the colored people of Wilmington excurted to Halifax to the number of a thousand or more.  In the afternoon some of the party became intoxicated and were disorderly, engaging in a knock down fistcuff. The town authorities had them promptly arrested.  Friends of the arrested parties threatened to rescue the prisoners from the Halifax authorities, but the citizens of the town armed themselves, and showed determination to stand together.

Mayor J.T. GOOCH, of Weldon, was telegraphed to and soon an engine and car was procured and 40 armed men under the direction of Sheriff B.I. ALLSBROOK, were in Halifax to see that the intruders from Wilmington were made to stand at the proper distance.

Mayor T.L. EMRY and Mayor GOOCH commanded the force, and order was finally restored without any damage more than the firing of some pistols before the Weldon force reached Halifax.

Joe McNEAL and Sam REESE were each fined two dollars and cost for disorderly conduct, and Chas. ONSLOW and Alexander LORD were both committed to jail in default of a justified bond of $50.  It was the attempt to rescue them from the officers while on the way to jail that caused the greater part of the riot.

Source: Roanoke Beacon,  6 September 1889.  Available online at

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