Ran Away (June 7, 1790)

From the subscriber, living in Cumberland county, at the lower Little-River Bridge, on the new road, an old negro fellow named Roger.  He has thick lips, a little stoop shouldered, and grey headed – has high veins in his arms and legs, and in his legs the veins appear to be in knots – his back shews a few marks of the switch – he is lively and resolute at any thing he undertakes.

I expect his intention was to go to some of the back counties, and endeavour to pass for a free man, as he was once suffered to pass as such in some of those counties, where he took up with a free woman for his wife, who I have now living at my house. Any person who will deliver the said negro to me, shall receive five pounds reward, and I will pay all reasonable charges. –  James Campbell, May 13, 1790

Source: North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette. 7 June 1790.

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