PERSON, Thomas (d. 1800)

DIED — At the house of Major TAYLOR, in Franklin County, on Sunday the 16th inst., Thomas PERSON, of Warren, in the sixty-seventh year of his age.

This gentleman was long a member of the General Assembly of North Carolina, as well before as since the Revolution: and at all times conducted himself in such manner as to manifest a proper and steady regard, not only to the interests of his immediate constituents, but likewise to the welfare and happiness of the people of the State at large.

He was a member of the fifth Convention and of all the subsequent Conventions had in this State.

In time of the revolutionary war, Mr. PERSON took an active and decided part in favour of his country.  Early in that contest he became Brigadier General of the militia for the district of Hillsborough; and on a variety of occasions, shewed himself a decided Patriot, and a warm and zealous friend to the Rights of the People.

He died as he lived, a firm and fixed Republican, and although he left no children, yet from his uniform and laudable conduct in public life, and particularly through his liberality to the University of <…> State he has raised up for himself a name which will neither be forgotten nor <…> while men are grateful, and which the means of enlightening and informing the minds of the youth of our country shall be held as they now justly and properly are, one of the <…> securities of the liberties of the people, and a happiness and blessing to society.

Source:  Raleigh Register and Weekly Advertiser,  25 November 1800.

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